What is The Rotary Peaceful Schools Program?

“PSP” for short, is a program created by Rotary District 5450, The Conflict Center, and Operation Respect. This program has been designed as one tool for a Rotary Club to use in building an ongoing relationship with the local elementary school as well as to strengthen their Interact Club relationship.
This program is delivered to:
- To 1st & 2nd grade students
- in a series of short sessions
- by Pacific High School Students
The basic structure of the program consists of each volunteer reading a pre-selected book to a group of 3-5 students, making reference to and discussing Rotary’s guiding principles simplified in PSP’s Four Awesome Questions. After completing the book, the class comes back together to pariticpate in activities and songs related to the lessons learned.
Why is PSP Good for our schools?
The program assists children in learning skills necessary for:
Understanding and managing emotions
Setting Positive Goals
Feeling and showing empathy for others
Establishing and maintaining positive relationships
Making responsible decisions
The Rotary Peaceful Schools Program was launched at Driftwood Elementary School in Port Orford, Oregon on Thursday, December 8th, 2016 as a partnership project between the school district and the Rotary Club of Port Orford.

High School students from the Pacific High School Leadership Class conducted lessons with 1st & 2nd graders that focused on conflict resolution and perspective. The high school leaders read the book Hey Little Ant by Phillip M. Hoose, which explores the subject of looking at a situation from someone else’s point of view.
A budding relationship between teenagers and six-year-olds was established and all are looking forward to the next session.

Developed by Rotary, the innovative Rotary Peaceful Schools Program promotes and supports safer, more respectful, bully-free environments for children and youth. Using social-emotional curriculum developed by experienced educators, Rotary volunteers work with teachers and students to modify the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors that often lead to ridicule, bullying, and even violence.