Rotary Club of Port Orford
The Port Orford Rotary Club is located on Oregon’s Wild Rivers Coast, a 90-mile stretch of Highway 101 from Bandon to Brookings Oregon.
Dynamic describes the club’s vitality in the community. Port Orford Rotary is a small group of local business leaders and community members joining together and “Having Fun Helping Others”.
We do our best to live by the 4-Way Test in all that we do, in both our professional and Rotary life. (Did you know Homemaker is a valid profession in Rotary? We are celebrating 30 years of women in Rotary, why not consider Rotary?)
How do we have fun helping others? Read on!

We meet weekly on Thursdays
When: Thursdays at noon (except 5th Thursdays & Holidays)
Where: American Legion Hall 421 11th Street Port Orford, OR 97465
We also meet via ZOOM
If you would like to join us, please email our ZOOM master at to receive a link to the meeting.
ZOOM opens at Noon, Thursdays, except for those that fall on Holidays, or on a 5th Thursday.
What We Do
Rotary Club of Port Orford Scholarships
Ben & Jean Corazza Scholarship
Dick Wold Friends and Family Scholarship
Lois Miller Memorial Scholarship
Reinhardt Scholarship for Juniors studying Engineering
club photos